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Testosterone Heptanoate

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Androgen Index 100

Anabolic Index 100

Estrogen activity moderate

low progesterone activity

Common Forms Injection Oil

About Testosterone Enanthate:

Testosterone Enanthate is a long-acting injectable testosterone product. Enanthate causes a sustained release of testosterone into the bloodstream for about 2 to 3 weeks after a deep intramuscular injection. In order to maintain normal physiological levels of testosterone during androgen replacement therapy (TRT), testosterone enanthate injections are usually required at least every two weeks, and most doctors prefer weekly injections in medical applications. Like all testosterone injections, testosterone enanthate is favored by athletes for its ability to promote strength and growth in muscle mass.

Testosterone enanthate in the medical field:

Testosterone enanthate is most commonly used clinically to maintain normal levels of testosterone required by adult men with low androgen levels. Low androgen levels are manifested as low libido, thin body, small muscle mass, and daily mental sleepiness and lack of energy. Testosterone enanthate is also used to treat testicular dysplasia and delayed puberty in adolescent males, and is occasionally used as a secondary drug during inoperable breast cancer in women. Testosterone enanthate has also had great success as a male contraceptive. A group of studies in men in Thailand showed that weekly injections of 200 mg of testosterone enanthate were effective in reducing sperm production in most men within three months, and this suppression continued until the drug was discontinued. Testosterone Enanthate is still the most widely used testosterone hormone in the world to this day

Common product specifications for Testosterone Enanthate:

Testosterone enanthate is widely used in the human and veterinary markets. The formulation and dosage will vary by country and manufacturer, common dosage strengths are: 50mg/ml, 100mg/ml, 200mg/ml or 250mg/ml, the highest strength can also reach 500mg/ml, usually loaded in 10ml vials or in 1ml ampoules.

Structural characteristics of testosterone enanthate:

Pictured: The structure of testosterone enanthate

Testosterone enanthate is a modified form of testosterone in which enanthoic acid has been attached to the 17-beta hydroxyl group. The esterified form of testosterone is less polar than free testosterone and is absorbed more slowly from the injection area. Once in the bloodstream, the ester is removed to give free (active) testosterone. Esterified forms of testosterone are designed to extend the window of therapeutic effect after administration, and esterified steroid products may be injected less frequently than injections of free (unesterified) steroids. The half-life of testosterone enanthate is approximately 8 days after injection.

Testosterone Enanthate Side Effects: (estrogenic side effects)

Testosterone is easily aromatized in the body, which is converted into estradiol (estrogen). Aromatase (estrogen synthase) is responsible for this metabolism of testosterone. Elevated levels of estrogen can cause side effects such as: body water storage, increased body fat and gynecomastia (bitch milk). Testosterone is considered a moderate estrogenic steroid. Some antiestrogen drugs, such as clomiphene or tamoxifen, are necessary to prevent the side effects of elevated estrogen. Aromatase inhibitors such as anastrozole (Arimidex) may alternatively be used, which control estrogen more effectively by preventing estrogen synthesis. However, aromatase inhibitors are more expensive than antiestrogens and have a negative impact on blood lipids. The effect of estrogenic side effects is generally determined by the use of high or low doses, and higher doses (higher than normal therapeutic levels) of testosterone require concomitant use of anti-estrogens or aromatase inhibitors to suppress the body's estrogen levels. Decreased water storage, body dryness, and muscle definition are common with higher doses of testosterone, so this testosterone enanthate is generally considered not to be added to a prep or fat loss cycle. Its moderate estrogenic properties make it more suitable for off-season muscle building, and the water-storage properties are more beneficial in off-season species to support training intensity and muscle size, and help promote a stronger anabolic environment.

Testosterone Enanthate Side Effects: (Androgenic Side Effects)

Testosterone is the primary male androgen responsible for the maintenance of secondary male sexual characteristics. Elevated testosterone levels may have androgenic side effects, including oily skin, acne, and body/facial hair growth from overactive sebaceous glands. Men with a genetic predisposition to hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) may experience accelerated baldness. Those concerned about hair loss can use nandrolone decanoate (DECA), a milder steroid that is a great option for those with hair loss. Women are particularly affected by steroids, especially potent androgenic steroids such as testosterone. Androgens cause some masculinizing traits in women, which may include a deepened voice, irregular menstruation, changes in skin texture, facial hair growth, and an enlarged clitoris. In androgen-responsive target tissues such as the skin, scalp and prostate, the androgenic effects of testosterone depend on how much is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). 5-alpha reductase is responsible for this metabolism of testosterone. Concomitant use of 5-alpha reductase inhibitors such as finasteride or dutasteride interferes with the site-specific enhancement of testosterone action, reducing the propensity of testosterone drugs to produce androgenic side effects. It is important to remember that both anabolic and androgenic effects are mediated through the cytosolic androgen receptor. Even with 5-alpha reductase inhibition, it is not possible to completely separate the anabolic and androgenic properties of testosterone.

Testosterone Enanthate Side Effects: (Hepatotoxicity)

Testosterone has no hepatotoxic effects; hepatotoxicity is unlikely. One study examined the potential for hepatotoxicity of high-dose testosterone by administering 400 mg of the hormone per day (2,800 mg per week) to a group of male subjects. Oral steroids resulted in higher peak concentrations in liver tissue compared to intramuscular injections. Hormones were administered daily for 20 days, and liver enzyme values included serum albumin, bilirubin, alanine-aminotransferase, and alkaline phosphatase. no significant change,

Testosterone Enanthate Side Effects: (Cardiovascular Effects)

Anabolic/androgenic steroids can have deleterious effects on serum cholesterol. This includes a tendency to lower HDL (good) cholesterol values and increase LDL (bad) cholesterol values, which may shift HDL toward LDL balance, and abnormalities in this indicator may contribute to and increase the risk of arteriosclerosis. The effect of anabolic/androgenic steroids on blood lipids depends on dose, route of administration (oral vs. injection), type of steroid (aromatizable or non-aromatizable), and level of resistance to hepatic metabolism. Anabolic/androgenic steroids may also adversely affect blood pressure and triglycerides, reduce endothelial relaxation, and cause left ventricular hypertrophy, all of which may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and myocardial infarction. Testosterone has a much smaller effect on cardiovascular risk factors than other steroid products. This is due to the openness of the liver to metabolism, making it less of an impact on liver cholesterol. The aromatization of estradiol by testosterone also helps mitigate the negative effects of androgens on blood lipids. In one study, 280 mg weekly of testosterone ester (enanthate) had a slight but no statistically significant effect on HDL cholesterol after 12 weeks, but when taken with an aromatase inhibitor, a strong decrease was observed (25%). While another study showed that using 300mg of testosterone enanthate per week for 20 weeks without aromatase inhibitors showed only a 13% reduction in HDL cholesterol, 600mg of testosterone enanthate reduced it by up to 21%. The effect on blood lipids should be considered before using aromatase inhibitors. Due to the positive effect of estrogen on blood lipids, tamoxifen or clomiphene are preferred over aromatase inhibitors for those associated with cardiovascular health because they provide partial estrogenic effects in the liver. This allows them to potentially improve lipid profiles and counteract some of the negative effects of androgens. When a weekly dose of 600 mg or less is used, the effect on blood lipids is often significant, but not too severe, and the use of antiestrogens may not be necessary. Doses of 600 mg per week or less also failed to produce significant changes in LDL/VLDL cholesterol, triglycerides, apolipoprotein B/C-III, C-reactive protein, and insulin sensitivity, all of which suggest a The influence of vascular risk factors was relatively weak. Testosterone is generally considered the safest of all anabolic/androgenic steroids when used in moderate doses. To help reduce cardiovascular strain as well as abnormal blood lipid levels, it is recommended to proactively maintain an active aerobic exercise program and minimize saturated fat, cholesterol, and simple carbohydrate intake during steroid use. Supplementation with fish oil (4 grams per day) and natural cholesterol/antioxidant products is also recommended.

Testosterone Enanthate Side Effects: (HPTA Hypothalamic Inhibition)

The use of exogenous testosterone suppresses the production of natural testosterone. For patients with low testosterone, this is not a problem. Because his own testosterone secretion is not normal. For athletes who are using steroids, this is also irrelevant during the cycle phase because the exogenous testosterone administered will provide your body with everything it needs. Once all anabolic steroid use ends, natural testicles

The secretion of hormones will start again. However, you won't get back to normal overnight, it will take a while. Once use has ended, most people begin a post-cycle therapy (PCT) program. A quality and effective PCT program will include SERMs like tamoxifen (Nolvadex) and clomiphene (Clomid) and the peptide hormone HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Without the PCT program, although you will also recover, it will take a lot of time. Since chronically low testosterone is an anabolic environment in which cortisol becomes the dominant hormone, the loss of results when muscle tissue is in a state of breakdown can be severe.

Testosterone Enanthate Side Effects: (Fertility Issues)

During the use cycle of anabolic steroid AAS, it will break the normal endocrine environment of the human body, causing the flocculation of sex hormone secretion, and the imbalance of the secretion of various hormones will result in poor sperm quality and small quantity. During use, because the sperm quality is too poor, the probability of conception will be very low. Of course, protective measures must be taken during use. After the body returns to normal endocrine, fertility problems can be recovered.

Dosage of Testosterone Enanthate:

Medically used to treat androgen insufficiency, prescribing guidelines for testosterone enanthate call for a dose of 50-100 mg every 2 to 4 weeks, despite longer periods of in vivo activity. But generally in bodybuilding, the usual dose for muscle growth or improving athletic performance is 200-600mg per week, usually for 6 to 12 weeks. This level is enough for most people to notice a significant increase in muscle size and strength. Testosterone Enanthate is often added to off-season muscle building, where water storage from Testosterone Enanthate is irrelevant, and users are more concerned with muscle growth than state. There are also athletes who add it to the preparation cycle for basic testosterone level maintenance, but usually at lower doses (100-200mg per week) with aromatase inhibitors to control estrogen levels. Testosterone enanthate is a very potent anabolic drug that works well even on its own. Most people use it in a stack with other anabolic/androgenic steroids for stronger effects.

How Testosterone Enanthate Works:

Enhanced protein synthesis: Protein represents the main building block of muscle tissue, and synthesis represents the rate at which cells build proteins. The rate of synthesis is enhanced by supplementation with testosterone enanthate. This promotes higher levels of anabolic activity and enhances the body's ability to recover.

Enhanced nitrogen retention: By enhancing nitrogen retention, we protect the anabolic atmosphere and strengthen it to a certain extent. All lean muscle tissue is made up of about 16% nitrogen, and when levels drop, this leads to a catabolic (muscle wasting) state. By maintaining a positive nitrogen balance, we stay more anabolic. This will enhance tissue growth and is imperative when dieting to preserve lean muscle tissue.

Increases red blood cell count: By increasing our red blood cell count, we greatly increase our muscular endurance. This is because red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen through the blood. Greater blood oxygenation equates to greater output, more stamina, and even plays a role in recovery.

Increased IGF-1 production: Insulin-growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is a naturally occurring protein hormone (peptide) that is primarily produced by the liver. This hormone is very anabolic and affects almost all cells in the body. It is also directly related to human growth hormone (HGH), as HGH primarily regulates its production. The hormone also plays a powerful role in the body's ability to heal and restore affecting muscle tissue, cartilage, nerves, tendons, ligaments and even our central nervous system in many other areas.

Inhibition of Glucocorticoids: Glucocorticoids are naturally occurring steroid hormones; however, they are not anabolic. In fact, glucocorticoids are catabolic (muscle wasting) because they destroy muscle tissue and promote fat gain. Cortisol is the best known glucocorticoid or stress hormone as they are often known. These hormones are necessary to the body to some extent, but not in large amounts. By inhibiting these hormones, we again promote a stronger anabolic environment for the body.

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